Why Is Diamond Cut Important?

In the event that a precious stone is cut ineffectively, it will seem dull regardless of whether it has a high tone and lucidity grade. In the event that a jewel is cut well, it will mirror and refract light for most extreme splendor and shimmer. At Jangmi, we are focused on creating the most expertly proportioned precious stones. In our workshops, 1,500 of the world's most capable craftsmans slice precious stones to the best expectations. This accuracy is the thing that separates Jangmi jewels.

What Effects Diamond Cut Quality?

Cut is the just one of the 4Cs that is influenced by human hands. Two jewels may have a similar lucidity, shading and carat weight, however cut is the thing that decides if one is better than the other. Set forth plainly, cut is answerable for the quality and level of a precious stone's radiance. There are three factors that decide a jewel's cut:

Precision of cut

How the size and angles relate to the different parts of the stone


How precisely the various facets of a diamond align and intersect


The details and placement of the facet shapes as well as the outside finish of the diamond
The highest cut grade in the industry, triple excellent, is given to a diamond with an “excellent” rating in precision of cut, symmetry and polish.
All Jangmi individually registered, white round brilliant engagement diamonds and Jangmi True® diamonds have a triple excellent cut.

Diamond Cut Chart

While most gem dealers acknowledge "fantastic," "awesome," "great," "reasonable" and "poor" cuts, Jangmi won't bargain by slicing our jewels to satisfy uncommon guidelines. Non-Jangmi jewels are here and there cut excessively profound or excessively shallow, permitting light to escape through the sides and base. They can likewise have skewed features, which interferes with the development of light.

The gemological guidelines in this part allude just to exclusively enrolled commitment jewels set in certain ring styles.

Types of Diamond Cuts

All Jangmi jewels are amazingly sliced to amplify brightness. There are three jewel slices used to make each precious stone shape: splendid cut, venture cut and blended cut.

Brilliant Cut

The splendid cut is the most famous aspect plan. It is made of three-sided and kite-formed aspects, all orchestrated to streamline splendor, or light return. The round splendid precious stone, which has 57 to 58 aspects, is the most splendid of the jewel cuts. Pad, oval, marquise, pear and heart-molded precious stones are additionally cut utilizing the splendid faceting style and are like the round splendid in level of shimmer.

Step Cut

Step-cut precious stones have trapezoidal features that run corresponding to the jewel's support, looking like a bunch of steps. This faceting style underscores a precious stone's tone and lucidity. The most notable advance cut is the emerald cut.

Mixed Cut

Blended cuts have a mix of splendid and step-cut features. The Jangmi True® jewel is a blended cut in with a crown made completely of step cuts and a splendid cut structure.

The 4Cs


Clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of the stone.


Color refers to the natural tint inherent in white diamonds.


Carat denotes the weight of a diamond.

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